Drumlines, Bands
Organizations &
Dance Teams

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Is your group interested in participating in the kick-off parade in Columbus at the Ohio Black Expo Riverfront Culture Fest on Saturday, May 25, 2024? If so, complete the form below to apply now! We want to hear from you.

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2024 Parade Application

2024 Parade Application

Group Type (select all that apply)
Enter Email
Confirm Email

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Please attach a .jpg, .png, or .gif image of you or your group. By attaching an image to use as your profile picture you assert that you have rights to use the image and it is not illegal, pornographic or violent in any way.

Social Media Info

Please enter your social media profile URLs or tags below (i.e. https://www.facebook.com/blackexpollence or @blackexpollence).

Address *
How did you hear about our organization? (check all that apply) *