Black Expollence Culinary Tastings


Black Expollence Culinary Tastings Application

Black Expollence Culinary Tastings Application

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We will contact you using this name.
Please list your address.
Please list your address.
Thanks! How would you prefer to be contacted?
Are you licensed?
By checking this box, I’m acknowledging that I can provide documentation (proof).
We appreciate your interest. However, without required licensing, we cannot extend the opportunity to participate at this time. We look forward to your interest in the future.
By checking this box, I acknowledge that I am not eligible to complete this application at this time.
Do you have a $1,000,000 liability Insurance policy (where you could add additional insured naming: Levy Restaurants and The Greater Columbus Convention Center)?
By checking this box, I’m acknowledging that I can provide documentation (proof).
Can you confirm that representative(s) from your company will prepare and distribute the samples?
I agree that I will not serve food products manufactured or prepared by another entity.
I agree to prepare food samples at the max size (2oz.)
I agree to prepare beverage samples at the max size (4oz.) (for nonalcoholic beverages)

The company requesting sampling acknowledges they have sole responsibility for the use, servicing or
other disposition of such items (Including alcoholic beverages) in compliance with all applicable laws.

Accordingly, the firm agrees to indemnify and forever hold harmless Levy Restaurants and The Greater
Columbus Convention Center from all liabilities, damages, losses, costs or expenses resulting directly or
indirectly from their use, serving or other disposition of such items (Including alcoholic beverages).

If you as the Manufacturer, Processor or Distributor require any product storage, delivery, or kitchen use
the following charges may be assessed:

-$150.00 per Day/Pallet for Refrigerated, Freezer, and Dry Storage.
-$50.00 one-time Handling Fee for 1-4 Skids and              -$250.00 Handling Fee for 5 or more Skids
-$50.00 Delivery Charge each time Product is delivered (on a 2’x4’ cart) to the Booth/Room.
-$250.00 per Hour for Kitchen Space. Kitchen Space is reserved on a first come, first serve basis.
-Additional charge for Rental of Equipment, subject to availability.


-Insured = Vendor or Company
-Policy Effective Date = Must include entire scope of Event Dates
-General Aggregate = Must be at least $5,000,000 in coverage
-Workers Compensation & Employers’ Liability = Must respectively include $500,000 per article
-Description of Operations = Please utilize language provided in example
-Certificate Holder = Must include Levy Restaurants; please utilize language provided in example.

*Requirements for food and beverage dispensing are subject to change based upon state requirements*

-If items are NOT pre-packaged or sealed, it is recommended that vendor offer a breath barrier protecting the non-packaged items. The breath barrier shall be obtained by the vendor; in which they can do so independently or through an approved third-party company with the Greater Columbus Convention Center, such as Innovative Displays.
-As of March 8, 2022, a facial covering of the nose and mouth are no longer a requirement, yet a recommendation within the facility. Proof of vaccination is not required.
-Vendors are responsible for all booth rental fees, electrical, plumbing, drayage and all other services.

I acknowledge that all answers provided are true and documentation can be provided when verification is need.
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